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LEMON【Lemon】 NO.4867
$ 0.00000000000
0 %
0.00044758703883858 24H最高
0.00040052100684164 24H最低
15.002867532864 历史最高
0.00038065157742904 历史最低
114913319.97 24H成交量
46439.92 24H成交额
0.00 总量
0 市值
11.75% 24H波幅
0 流通数量
0.00049802965096462 昨开
0.00041821899021719 昨收
0 % 流通率



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  • LEMON币介绍
Lemon Network is based on Blockchain Tech & Distributed Cloud Computing, its protocol allows users to create NFT (ERC-721) of every picture they publish to Lemonnet.We want to bring users access to create ART from their pictures and let people value and cuantify that value. Rewarding content publishers with tokens. As simple as it sounds give your friends, family and the world your opinion and earn money from it. When a user likes a picture the like will automatically be converted to an ERC-20, which can be used in the Lemon Network Ecosystem or be traded outside. To ensure that this interactions are done fairly, every user is given a limited amount of likes that will be recharged after certain time period. This limitation will define how users spend their likes. Don't panic! This does not mean that it is an inflationary ecosystem LMN has a total supply of 50M. So you will not be buying likes in this ICO, you are buying the most valued token of the whole ecosystem.
Lemon Network is based on Blockchain Tech & Distributed Cloud Computing, its protocol allows users to create NFT (ERC-721) of every picture they publish to Lemonnet.We want to bring users access to create ART from their pictures and let people value and cuantify that value. Rewarding content publishers with tokens. As simple as it sounds give your friends, family and the world your opinion and earn money from it. When a user likes a picture the like will automatically be converted to an ERC-20, which can be used in the Lemon Network Ecosystem or be traded outside. To ensure that this interactions are done fairly, every user is given a limited amount of likes that will be recharged after certain time period. This limitation will define how users spend their likes. Don't panic! This does not mean that it is an inflationary ecosystem LMN has a total supply of 50M. So you will not be buying likes in this ICO, you are buying the most valued token of the whole ecosystem.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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