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CMP【Moonpoly】 NO.5499
$ 0.00000000000
0 %
5000亿 总量
Empty Resource 市值
% 24H波幅
437969242663 流通数量
87.58 % 流通率



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  • CMP币介绍
MOONPOLY First-economical decentralized and strategic online-board game for 2-6 Players includes many modern and hot trends such as NFT, Marketplace, Play, Collect, Create & Earn. Crypto Moonpoly First-NFT-economical and strategic online-3d-board game for 2-6 Players. The goal of the game is to invest crypto into the perspective crypto industry rationally. The start-up capital winner will be a player who will not lose everything on the cryptomarket. Players throw crypto dice to decide how many steps they will do with the NFT figure. When a player has a turn to walk, the Player throwing a dice determines how many steps he must make on the playing field during this turn (each step corresponds to one point on the die and one square on the playing field). To start or join a game, players must invest from a custom game pool 5% CMP tokens - game currency if the game mod is set for six players. If the game mod is set for Two players, each Player must invest 15% of the total pool. Play To Earn Project.
MOONPOLY First-economical decentralized and strategic online-board game for 2-6 Players includes many modern and hot trends such as NFT, Marketplace, Play, Collect, Create & Earn. Crypto Moonpoly First-NFT-economical and strategic online-3d-board game for 2-6 Players. The goal of the game is to invest crypto into the perspective crypto industry rationally. The start-up capital winner will be a player who will not lose everything on the cryptomarket. Players throw crypto dice to decide how many steps they will do with the NFT figure. When a player has a turn to walk, the Player throwing a dice determines how many steps he must make on the playing field during this turn (each step corresponds to one point on the die and one square on the playing field). To start or join a game, players must invest from a custom game pool 5% CMP tokens - game currency if the game mod is set for six players. If the game mod is set for Two players, each Player must invest 15% of the total pool. Play To Earn Project.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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